Calling all ‘Edbangers!
My new book Where Eagles Dare: Iron
Maiden in the ‘80s has just
arrived—box upon box—and is ready
for signing and shipping. It’s a
hefty 288 pages, with my usual
tipped-in sections of colour
photography, every song examined
deeply and all that. You’ve all been
very kind in making my recent books
like this on Sabbath and Priest sell
pretty damn good, so this one is
very much a style match to those.
As the back cover sez…
“Phantom of the Opera,” “Running
Free,” “Wrathchild,” The Number of
the Beast,” “Hallowed Be Thy Name,”
“The Trooper,” “Aces High,” “2
Minutes to Midnight,” “Wasted
Years,” “Can I Play with Madness”…
these are just a few of the many
iconic heavy metal anthems of New
Wave of British Heavy Metal heroes
Iron Maiden.
In Where Eagles Dare: Iron Maiden in
the ‘80s, now three-time Maiden
author Martin Popoff celebrates the
band’s golden period, with a
mischievous cheat covering the
fascinating ‘70s roots of the band
en route to The Soundhouse Tapes and
the first flash of a grin from green
ghoul Eddie.
Utilizing his celebrated
album-by-album, song-by-song
approach, Martin deconstructs the
band’s first clutch of classic of
records—Iron Maiden, Killers, The
Number of the Beast, Piece of Mind,
Powerslave, Live After Death,
Somewhere in Time and Seventh Son of
a Seventh Son—in fan-fanatic detail,
with his usual detours into cover
art, production, looks at lyrics,
the ins and outs of the band’s
landmark live shows and all manner
of minutiae, using specific dates at
every twist in the tale.
So what are you waiting for? Join
Martin for a galloping, twin-lead
celebration of the only band to
escape from the NWOBHM into hallowed
halls of gold and platinum,
integrity intact, mission unchanged
now 40 years later and still going
This book is now completely sold
Also available as an eBook for $9.99