The boxes have arrived containing
the second book of a project
designed to put my interview
archive in the public realm. And
it’s 200 COPIES ONLY, so likely
this will get as far as my mailing
list and that’s it.
As I said in my letter to you asking
to vote which genres to do, it’s
been bugging me forever that I’ve
got this interview archive of all
these interviews I’ve done that will
never wind up in any of my books,
and thus likely never see the light
of day... unless I made books out of
them, of course!
Very important: if you have a pile
of my books, don’t worry about
overlap—this is material I haven’t
used in my books, with minor
exceptions. For Prog, the main act
avoided is Yes—if you want all my
Yes chat, get Time and a Word: The
Yes Story. I don’t want to give you
material you already have from me.
But everyone else is here!
So again, as a way to unlock this
material, I’m compiling the raw
transcripts, in Q&A form, with a
little background info and
historical context to each chat,
into book form. Popoff Archive - 2:
Progressive Rock, is the second one,
given its popularity in the voting,
and it’s 292 pages of deep prog rock
tissue massage. All told, it’s a
longer book that Popoff Archive – 1:
Doom Metal by almost 50 pages.
And listen, it’s a given these early
ones will be the first to sell out,
as we work our way through the dozen
planned, possibly with a box to put
them all in, once I get the dozen
out. Popoff Archive – 1: Doom Metal
is approaching the halfway mark,
about two weeks after me writing up
one of these little flyers for it.
In this edition, we have the
following. I’ve included an excerpt
from my lead-in explanation for
John Wetton – King Crimson, Uriah
Heep, UK, Asia, 1995
This was actually one of my first
interviews ever (and an in-person to
boot). I was quite nervous due to
John’s daunting catalogue, but
Wetton quickly put me at ease with
his more than pleasant demeanor.
Lief Sorbye, Tempest, 1998
This is me deep into the Magna Carta
swing of things, writing bios for
them, enjoying talking to a
non-metalhead, Lief, his Oakland, CA
band in fact being spirited Celtic
rock crossed with prog and folk.
Pete Morticelli, Magna Carta
Records, 2000
The occasion of this chat was to
create a little bio of Magna Carta
Records itself, pretty much the
premiere, thriving progressive rock
record label in the mid to late ‘90s
through the early ‘00s.
Steve Walsh, Kansas, Streets,
April 5, 2000
Not sure how hard Steve is normally
to get an interview with on the
phone, but I’ve heard he’s pretty
reclusive on the road, having heard
stories of him dashing offstage and
on his way to the hotel before the
house lights come on.
Roine Stolt, The Flower Kings,
Transatlantic, April 7, 2000
Around our magazine, we were
constantly trying to squeeze the
prog stuff in because we found that
a huge chunk of the metal crowd
gravitated first toward prog than
anything else, when sniffing outside
of kerranging guitars.
Phil Ehart, Kansas, May 14,
Kansas has always been my desert
island bands, a band with a huge
catalogue that, no matter how much I
play it, I never seem to assimilate
it, learn it, understand it.
Kerry Livgren, Kansas, May 15,
I believe what was going down here
was that at the same time I was
asked to write the label bio for
Steve Walsh’s solo record, I was
tapped to write the bio for the new
Kansas record, also to be on Magna
Carta. Ergo the in-depth discussion
of what was to be issued as
Somewhere to Elsewhere.
Roine Stolt, The Flower Kings,
Transatlantic, May 24, 2000µ
Looks like the main purpose of this
interview was to gather enough info
to write the Magna Carta bio for
Space Revolver.
Terry Bozzio, Frank Zappa, UK,
Bozzio Levin Stevens, June 1,
I came away totally impressed with
his sharp intelligence,
business-like energy and
youthfulness… he’s basically the
Steve Vai of the drums.
Kevin Moore, Chroma Key, Dream
Theater, October 26, 2000
The guy’s such a huge talent and
should be super-famed and respected
as far as I’m concerned. Man, for
the the follow-up, Graveyard
Mountain Home, I just did a regular
interview with him for that, but I
was so stunned by how cool the idea
was, to write what is essentially a
soundtrack album to a 1950s guidance
film, an incredible album, that I
had to chuck back a few drinks to
talk to him on the phone.
Nick D’Virgilio, Spock’s Beard,
June 20, 2001
Good drumming/drummer stuff here,
along with a l’il Spock’s Beard.
What I like about including a chat
like this is that there’s so much on
Karma here, that it might help you
hook up with an album you never knew
existed or maybe have forgotten
Robert Berry, GTR, 3, August 20,
Gotta hand it to Robert, he made
quite a go of it, after this first
record, becoming a little
Trans-Siberian Orchestra, as it
Ian Anderson, Jethro Tull,
September 28, 2001
One of the happy surprises about
crossing over into getting to talk
to a few prog guys was how
accessible Ian Anderson turned out
to be, and how delightful and
interview subject he was. Out chats
were always phoners, but I parlayed
a quick meeting with him once
backstage at the Molson Amphitheatre
here in Toronto, as part of
conducting an in-person with Tull’s
guitarist Martin Barre, also a
perfectly congenial gent.
Ian Anderson, Jethro Tull, April
19, 2002
Another chat with one of the top
prog legends, and, like Jon Anderson
and one supposes Rick Wakeman,
here’s a guy that could have been a
manager or a businessman. Well, Ian
is a businessman, with his hand in
many pies. Good on him, a born
leader and all that, plus an
interesting chat all ‘round.
David Sylvian, Japan, solo, May
Intimidating this was, given that it
was an in-person during
load-in/soundcheck, sitting in the
nice theater seats at the Danforth
Music Hall, which is just a couple
blocks from my house. Very
convenient and classy venue to see a
Steve Hackett, Genesis, GTR,
solo, June 17, 2002
Steve’s always a perfectly pleasant
guy to talk to, and besides the
project at hand, i.e. the reason
he’s doing press, there’s always the
well of all that classic Genesis
potentially to be dealt with, along
with GTR and the pretty
substantially solo catalogue, of
which I totally love Cured, along
with his more recent albums.
Michael Sadler, Saga, July
So glad that they were part of our
mag’s portfolio, because even though
there are Toronto roots to the band,
they were rarely around here, being
bigger, certainly, in Germany.
Jim Crichton, Saga, August 22,
So this must’ve been that bright
sunny day, myself and Tim Henderson
down at the Molson Amphitheater to
see Saga supporting Tull. But we
also had access, and as it turns
out, too much of it, with one funny
moment being us standing around in
their dressing room while they were
actually dressing, and Ian looking a
bit perturbed like, what are these
two guys doing here?
Martin Barre, Jethro Tull, August
22, 2002
This was likely out on the outdoor
seating area off the catering room
at Molson Amphitheater, for a nice
relaxed sit-down chat before the
show, Tull with Saga supporting.
Robbie Steinhardt, Kansas, Sept.
1, 2002
Looks like this chat was set up,
likely by buddy and PR whiz Chip
Ruggieri, to talk about a hits
compilation, which means basically
free reign to talk about anything we
Neil Morse, Spock’s Beard,
Transatlantic, solo September 15,
Looks like I wasn’t writing the bio
for this, but rather it was a
regular ol’ interview. The occasion
was the release of my favourite
Spock’s Beard album, Snow.
Terry Bozzio, Frank Zappa, UK,
Bozzio Levin Stevens, November 9,
Terry came to Toronto to do a drum
clinic and I met with him one
weekend afternoon at the Opera
House, conducting this chat in the
crappy and clammy basement dressing
room... although I can’t quite
picture it—we may have stayed
upstairs on the main floor, where
it’s marginally less depressive.
Nick D’Virgilio, Spock’s Beard,
solo May 9, 2003
Looks like this would have been for
the bio for the band’s follow-up to
Snow called Feel Euphoria. The big
deal here was the departure of Neal
Steve Rothery and Steve Hogarth,
Marillion, June 10, 2005
Never thought I’d ever get to see
Marillion, but here they were coming
to Toronto’s Mod Club, a classy,
intimate venue, but one that’s a
pain to get to and pretty tight on
security when you’re just trying to
get in for yer damn interview.
Steve Hackett, Genesis, GTR,
solo, September 28, 2005
I interviewed the mellow ex-Genesis
axe-meister two days before I was
there to witness his heavenly
acoustic show at the Markham Theater
for the Performing Arts just north
of the city.
Jim Crichton, Saga, November 15,
Like Kansas, Saga are one of those
bands where I own everything but
don’t know the records well, so in
continuing to talk to the guys, I
can of course give them some press,
but as well I get to have these
records somewhat personalized for
myself. That’s the theory anyway.
Carl Palmer, Emerson, Lake and
Palmer, Asia, February 24, 2006
Well, this was an intimidating one
to be sure. Fortunately it was a
phoner so, you know, you’ve got the
wiki page open, you’re surrounded by
all the albums and you can
constantly look at your notes and
cross stuff out, change course etc.
And the frustrating part is, there’s
the current press-pertinent stuff to
get to, but you want to talk about
so much more.
John Wetton, King Crimson, Uriah
Heep, UK, Asia, April 6, 2006
Lots of Asia in this one, plus some
cool UK stuff.
Ian Anderson, Jethro Tull,
October 30, 2007
Another chance to speak to a legend
of the biz, and one that is a
natural-born explainer, the best
type of interviewee one can hope
Chris Herin, Tiles, February 14,
This is kind of a cool one, because
I interrogated the hell out of him
as well for a book project I’ve
since sorta shelved. I had started
gathering survey answers on greatest
guitar solos of all time, and then
thought I’d massage into my
interviews, some expert/authority
chat about these poll-winning
Rich Williams, Kansas, June 26,
I seem to recall that I was to phone
Rich for this, and a) he wasn’t
really expecting the call and b)
seemed unaware that the reason for
our chat was the reissue of the Two
for the Show live album, which back
in the day, shortly after its
October 1978 release date, went
friggin’ platinum. Man, go take a
look—Kansas sold a lot of records!
Fish, Marillion, solo, June 29,
This chat took place at the
penned-in table area outside in
front of the venue, so it wasn’t
surprising when gobsmacked fans
would stoop to interrupt from time
to time.
Peter Hammill and Guy Evans, Van
der Graaf Generator, July 4,
Upon hearing that Van der Graaf
Generator were making a rare visit
to Toronto, and to an easy and
relaxed venue just down the street
from my office, the Opera House...
well, I knew I had to sort out to be
there to chat with this most
interesting and gothic and dark of
UK prog institutions. Intimidated I
was, but the three of them were all
charming fellows, as we kept the
conversation light around a sticky
barroom table right out front,
John Wetton, King Crimson, Uriah
Heep, UK, Asia, May 12, 2012
John Wetton was one of my very first
in-person interviews, back in 1995,
and here we were 17 year hence, and
John is back, improbably fronting
the exact Danger Money lineup of UK
for a rare show at the Sound
Michael Sadler, Saga, July 20,
It’s rare that I got out for an
in-person interview really anywhere
past 2010. I just started to find it
all too stressful, dealing with road
managers and security, and
especially at the Sound Academy,
which always seemed locked up like
Fort Knox.
Steve Hackett, Genesis, GTR,
solo, November 2, 2015
This chat with Steve was set-up by
our long-standing best buddy of PR,
Chip Ruggieri, who was tasked with
promoting the expanded reissue of
the lone GTR album.
This book is now completely sold
Also available as an eBook for $9.99