Summer of '76 family vacation down the coast to Tijuana and back, so I was
13. Also got a Zep 1 and a Vol 4 shirt, both in that monochrome black
rubber stuff, on colour shirt, I believe red for one and orange for the
First thing, if you have my other Sabbath book, there is no overlap in
interview footage or pretty much anything here! That was the challenge to
myself – if I was going to write a second Sabbath book, I wanted folks who
had the first one to get excellent value for the money, so yeah – all the
interviews etc. are BRAND NEW, with no use of my past archive. This
includes the proceeds of the last three or four chats I ever had with our
dear Ronnie.
OK, what the heck is this thing? Well, it's 400 pages stuffed with arcane
Sabbath knowledge, mostly, along with a bunch of memorabilia stuff, i.e.
ads, backstage passes, ticket stubs, photography – again, there might be a
handful of things also in Doom Let Loose but 90% is all new.
Best way to describe it is to show you the chapters. Now, this might be
before one or two got moved around plus maybe some re-titling, but it is
essentially, give or take a swap:
Foreword By Brian Tatler, Diamond Head
"What is this that stands before me?"
Important Dates in Sabbath
"Well, we can't tell you that."
Black Sabbath Signs with Vertigo
"The Rebel, take million twelve"
Black Sabbath's Early Demos
The Mob Drools
A Sampling Of Black Sabbath's Collectible Records
"Joe Pass For 100 Quid, Alex"
Sabbath's Early Influences
Majors & Minors
Those Who Sang for Black Sabbath
"Bonham and Ozzy used to be the loudest two"
A Chat With Norman Hood
"I'm the Witchfinder General!"
Black Sabbath Inspires A Genre Called Doom Metal
"I don't hear a single."
The Top 30 Obscure Sabbath Tracks
Creepy Competition
Black Sabbath, Black Widow… What's The Difference?
Wicked World: Geezer The Peacenik
Geezer Butler on War
"The opening act on that show was Bruce Springsteen."
Bands Who Shared Bills With Sabbath Early On
Thrilling Billing
Black Sabbath's Tour Mates Through History
"Our new single… this is called Supertzar. Everybody sing along!"
Songs Black Sabbath Have Never Played Live
"Oh no you're NOT buying that!"
The Story Behind the Sabbath Bloody
Sabbath Cover Art
Runnin' With The Devil
Black Sabbath's Controversial '78 Tour With Van
Black Sabbath's Knob Jobs
The Sabbath Albums Ranked by Sound Quality
The Infamous Black And Blue Tour
Black Sabbath versus Blue Oyster Cult
Roomful Of Blues
The Studios In Which Sabbath Recorded
Headbangers Rock The Vote
Sabbath's Best As Picked By My Minions
"Puccini in Chains"
One-time Black Sabbath Manager Sandy Pearlman Genuflects On His Subjects
"The boys are in the kitchen having a little chat."
Craig Gruber On The Birth of Heaven And Hell
That's A Wrap!
Black Sabbaths Album Covers Ranked
Doom Gone Solo Pt. 1
Key Sabbath Members and Their Solo
Accomplishments – A Timeline
Doom Gone Solo Pt. 2
Key Sabbath Members and Their Solo
Accomplishments – A Critique
"Next on American Bandstand, a kooky bunch all the way from England…"
The 20 Most Shockingly Radio-Friendly Black Sabbath Songs
Math Pt. 1: Plaque Sabbath
Some Sabbath Sales Figures
Math Pt. 2: With A Bullet
Black Sabbath's Chart Positions
What I Think Pt. 1
Sabbath's Studio Albums Reviewed And Rated
What I Think Pt. 2
Sabbath's Live Albums Reviewed And Rated
Caught In A Heavy Metal Time Machine
Two Soundtrack Stories From The Ronnie Era
Slack Babbath
18 Bands Named After Black Sabbath Songs
"They wrote every single good riff... ever."
Praise For The Sabs From The Nativity In Blackers
Fancy A Blow?
Guest Cameos on Black Sabbath Records
Cross Pollinated Purposes
Black Sabbath Songs That Sound Like Other Black Sabbath Songs
"No matter what name you get behind it, the fans are going to know."
The Birth Of A Band Called Heaven And Hell
"It hasn't been a very happy world for awhile."
Heaven & Hell Unleash The Devil You Know
Despite Heaven & Hell, Ronnie Never Gives Up On Dio
Books will be signed by me to you, so make clear if it's a Christmas
present or whatever! One drag, given its 400 total pages, this doesn't
even come close to fitting through this plastic mylar thing at Canada Post
and thus has to go as "small packet" rather than "light packet" so the
shipping cost is jacked – sorry.
This book is completely sold out!